Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sounds from the Tall House - May 6/12

Play lists follow this format: Artist - Album - Song - Label

Li Jianhong - Lovers with Cloisonne Bracelet - Time in the Mirror - Tipped Bowler
Gnod - Ingnodwetrust - Tony's First Communion - Rocket
Gnod - Chaudelande Volume 1 - Tron - Tamed
Gnod - Chaudelande Volume 2 - Genocider - Tamed
The Band Whose Name is a Symbol - Punks, Twats and Urban Cowboys - Sno-Cave Movement - Birdman
The Band Whose Name is a Symbol - Punks, Twats and Urban Cowboys - Inertia Syndrome - Birdman
The Band Whose Name is a Symbol - Punks, Twats and Urban Cowboys - Gatineau Breakdown Pt. 2 - Birdman
Neptune - Silent Partner - Collection Plate - Northern Spy
Shit and Shine - Küss Mich, Meine Liebe - Side C - Load

Since CFRU has greatly improved their audio archives, I'm no longer posting the audio here. Go to the , use the drop down menus on the top right to find the show you would like to listen to. Thanks!

Night is a Thief that Steals All the Colours

Sending out 2021 with this little slice of wax.  Sounds courtesy of Hymns57 and M. Mucci .  Clear 10" lathe in hand stamped jacket wit...